
Welcome to the Leadership Fulcrum Assessment©. Self-awareness is the first step to being a more effective leader and a key element of Fulcrum-centric Leadership™. In taking this assessment you will gain better understanding of your natural tendencies as a leader in each of the four essential leadership domains. Enjoy this journey—we look forward to helping you as you learn and grow.


You are about to take the Leadership Fulcrum Assessment©. Before you start it is important that you understand this is a behaviorally based assessment. Answer how you have behaved in the past, not how you might behave in the future. Answering how you behaved in the past allows us to accurately evaluate your natural tendencies.

Look at the five different options provided, they represent a scale from 1 to 5.

Choose the option that best represents how the statement applies to you.

**Note: If you need a reminder of the values in this table, hold your cursor over the“HINT” link below each question.

Option Description Percentage
1 Never 0%
2 Sometimes 25%
3 Half of the time 50%
4 Usually 75%
5 Always 100%


Years of Experience in Your Field
Gender (optional)
Highest Education Level